
Buckwheat Pancakes with Strawberries

Do you associate buckwheat only with savory meals? It’s time to change that! Try using buckwheat flour to prepare sweet pancakes. This time you can serve them with juicy strawberries as they taste best in the spring and summer season 🙂

Don’t forget to freeze seasonal fruits so that you can enjoy them also in winter.



I mixed the flour with coconut drink, salt, syrup, almond paste, lemon juice and baking powder (you can prepare buckwheat flour yourself by grinding unroasted buckwheat). I set the batter aside for several minutes and then mixed it again (adding a little more coconut drink if necessary).

I heated the coconut oil in a pan, scooped the batter onto the pan forming small pancakes. I fried them over low heat on both sides until slightly golden.

I put the pancakes on a plate and added sliced strawberries on top 🙂



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