spring’s on!
Spring and holidays! Everything will turn green soon, plants will start to grow and look for the sun.
It’s the perfect time for change, taking up challenges and starting to move.
You’re not really good at foreign languages? Why don’t you look for online courses, programmes or try to learn by yourself at first and who knows, maybe you’ll start a course in September?
You’re overweight, weakened and your physical shape doesn’t really exist? Go outdoors! Take the energy from the sun, blossoming and growth. Get rid of all the fears and barriers. Start from a warm-up, march, maybe slow-jogging is something for you?
Feeling lonely? Take someone for a walk, coffee, to a movie or to a gallery. One of your friends – boy or a girl – maybe they also couldn’t get the courage to invite you? If it doesn’t work out – keep looking. Many people lack talking, being or doing something together. But just like you – they’re hiding.
Maybe you have some stuff that still need working out? Deal with them – the faster the better. You’ll start to breath again.
Look around. Maybe there’s someone that needs your help?
Finally – spend some time alone out in the open, with yourself, talk. What do you want actually? What can you do to get it? Don’t talk away chances from yourself, risk a change. Don’t put yourself in the backstage, by thinking ‘it’s not for me, I can’t do it, I don’t have enough money, I’m less than others’ Do you think that anyone that has ever accomplished anything had it served on a silver platter? That all of those people were great minds, had rich parents and exceptional talent? Most of the successes stem from the faith, from the ‘I can do it’. You can do it. Not everything – that’s for sure. You probably won’t be a famous singer if you don’t have an ear for music. But such restrictions are the only ones that you should take into consideration. Think!
Don’t just think – DO!
We’re with you! 🙂
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