Salad with salmon in sesame seeds – pure health :)

Sesame is a valuable component, which has the protein substances similar in content to … chicken eggs.


It is easily digestible source of calcium that your body can easily assimilate. It is helpful for food-related diseases liver and gall bladder. In addition, it contains many valuable vitamins, including A, E, B vitamins, and minerals, e.g., zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron.

Wash thoroughly salmon, dry it, season with salt and pepper, then sprinkle with lemon and grease with olive oil. Pour sesame seeds on a plate and coat salmon in them.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Put fish in sesame on a badge in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.
Green salad with radish

You can fry sprouts low heat in coconut butter. The rest of the ingredients, peel, cut, tear and mix.

I make a sauce with olive oil, lemon juice, a few drops of balsamic vinegar and herbs: marjoram, thyme, turmeric and cayenne pepper.

Add the sauce to the rest, mix and we have a light and crispy salad, yum!