THE ROAD TO HEALTH SERIES: To lose weight you have to eat!
The words “lose weight in 7 days”, “diet 1200 kcal”, “lose weight fast” – this are unfortunately marketing headlines that are intended to attract your attention! You dont feel good with your weight and you want to get rid of some kilograms here and there?
I understand everything, but as always I am repeating: HEALTH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT!
Think for how long you can be on such a diet? What about the yo-yo effect? At the latest midway through the diet are frustrated, tired, discouraged and back to your old habits. What’s worse, your body will make you literally jump with a huge appetite! The brain tells you that you deserved since you were starving so badly.
A healthy diet is your key to success. To lose weight its enough to eat healthy, ex balanced and rational meals. The fact that eating inadequate products and a positive balance leads to overweight and obesity, we know for sure!
It is important to provide the right nutrients in the right proportions. However, if such proportions are disturbed, some processes in the body – including weight loss – will be disturbed.
The principles of healthy weight loss:
- To lose weight you have to eat! You can not be hungry! If you drastically reduce the amount of calories, your body will begin to store what you will provide by replacing everything you eat into fat to protect yourself from further starvation. Your body is really a clever machine, you can not fool it 🙂
- Eat nutritious meals, thereby overcoming metabolism. Remember, the metabolism may be the result of an inappropriate diet after many years, be patient to properly fix things.
- Remember! Eat protein, fats, complex carbohydrates. Eat enough to feel full, but do not over eat. Calories can be delivered in different ways. Try to compose meals in such a way that a large volume of food gives you less calories. Of course, vegetables will help – generally low calorie, and wonderfully filling and giving valuable vitamins and minerals.
- Keep proper hydration. Try to drink 2-3 l of water a day.
- Do not eat between meals! If you eat it means your meal was poor in nutrition.
- Ensure adequate intake of vitamins and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids. Deficiencies can lead to poor mood, lack of energy, deterioration of digestive system, slow down metabolic rate.
- Watch your body – if you feel bloated, constipated, gases, stomach pains, skin problems after eaten certain products ex dairy? Think about eliminating this product and replacing it.
- Let your menu include as many healthy but different products as possible. Then you will be sure that you supply the body with all the ingredients needed to function.
- Eat vegetables, preferably seasonal. Raw and warm. You can combine them with protein or carbohydrates. A lot of different vegetables in the daily diet will give you a positive vibe!
- Eat ”thick” nutrition meat.
- Eat healthy fish (fatty).
- Eat fats (necessary for digestion as well as for vitamin absorption), coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, lard, nuts.
- Eat complex carbohydrates – especially cereals.
- Eat pickles.
- Exclude sugar from the diet;
- Exclude highly processed foods and fast food, colorful, sweetened beverages;
- Eliminate products you are intolerant to.
- Eat slowly, bite and chew very carefully – it’s important to facilitate a complicated digestion process.
- Eat regularly, in appropriate deviations, it will help regulate your metabolism and your body will not make fat stores on time without food.
- Try to combine the following products: carbohydrates / fat + vegetables, fat + vegetables / fat and protein. If you eat bread, then with butter and cucumber, but without cheese or meat. (I wrote about it in the previous issue).
- Do not drink while eating meals, drink at least 30 minutes before eating and 30 minutes after you finish.
- If a well-balanced diet and regular workouts do not produce results in the long run, it is important to reduce the caloric content of foods and reduce the calorie deficit.
- If you have trouble maintaining a healthy diet, you can not give up sweets, eat at night, eat compulsively, or lose pounds – I suggest going to a psychiatrist or psychologist. Eating disorders can be a serious disease and it is important to treat them.
- To get slim you should provide less calories than you consume. But do not exceed the minimum requirement. Remember that a lot of calories are consumed by BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) – basic metabolism that covers all the life processes that occur in the body, from the level of cellular change beginning and ending in breathing. For calculating BMRs, you use fairly complex patterns that include gender, age, current weight, and height, but for example, you can find calculators that calculate BMR immediately after the data is available online. Energy expenditure also includes physical activity, so we need to eat more to train our body to work out and to train our bodies not to destroy.
Get check ups!
Our bodies are govern by HORMONS! remember about the medical check ups. Metabolism is dependent on thyroid hormones. If your economy is disturbed you may have a problem with dropping kilograms. In addition, control STRES, which causes overproduction of stress hormone cortisol. This can cause the deposition of fat tissue, by increasing appetite. This is due to the so-called. Post-appetite and postponement by your preventive body fat in the event of another attack of stress. In addition, cortisol causes uneven fat deposition,ex, the face, neck, abdominal area, and lean limbs. It also contributes to abnormal functioning of the thyroid hormone, unstable blood sugar, or loss of muscle tissue. In addition, sex hormones play a key role – control them!
And finally… I have to mention it – go to sleep! Lack of sleep (including stress) is associated with fat deposition and regeneration disorders.
My philosophy of healthy eating has been shared for several years both on the blog, in my books and in my application Diet & Training by Ann. You will find thousands of recipes, advice and inspiration in the kitchen that accompanies me every day.
So thats how the idea of Diet by Ann started – an individual diet plan based on my three Pillars of Health. Anyone who wants to start their way to health will find something for themselves.
Everyone will find something for themselves – indifferent whether you want to simply eat healthily, lose weight, gain weight or build muscle mass. The diet and trainings are always with you – on the computer, on your ipad or on the phone!
Improperly balanced and devastating diets, increased stress, excess exercise, hormonal imbalances, or slimming ”helpers” cause more problems than good and no desired effects on a longer scale!
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