Don’t be afraid of success
“I’ll start on Monday.”
“I’ll do it when I lose some weight.”
“I’ll change it when I go on holiday.”
Let’s think what really stops us from acting: circumstances or just fear? Waiting for a better moment means finding an excuse not to start changing and putting off taking up action for ‘when hell freezes over’. Meanwhile, you feel frustrated because you still picture the effects of your potential actions: a completed course, shapely body, sports results, etc. Unfortunately, idleness won’t bring any effects…
Everyone has their own comfort zone in which they feel safe and good. We keep there our habits, but also frustrations. Yes, that’s true. We sometimes identify with unhappiness so strongly that we perceive it as a ‘natural state’. A potential success raises fears, because it is connected with work and responsibility. That’s why, even though you’re dreaming of promotion, you do nothing to achieve it. Because you’re afraid.
Fear is only in your mind. There’s nothing to be afraid of! Go beyond your comfort zone. Slowly or suddenly, but try to do it. Tripped? Perhaps, and so what? If you fell over, you’ll stand up and go on. It’s really that simple, though many people consider it difficult. Talk to yourself and act. Fight for a better you.
I fight myself.
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