Sweet potatoes are easily accessible in most food stores in Poland. They will never replace potatoes, but it’s worth to have them in your kitchen as they taste delicious and they are simply healthy.
In Poland, there even are enthusiasts that try to grow them in their gardens. Their excellent work can be found on pictures online. The satisfaction of eating a vegetable grown on your own is definitely huge 🙂
Why is it worth to eat sweet potatoes?
They are a source of carbohydrates. They are easily digested and rich in minerals. Their glycemic index is also lower than in regular potatoes. They have been chosen as ‘the best of all vegetables’ by the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
IMMUNE system
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source for beta-carotene – an important antioxidant. They also boost your immune system as they are rich in vitamins C and B-complex, iron and phosphorus.
Inflammatory conditions
Similarly to regular potatoes they have anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to beta-carotene, vitamin C and magnesium.
They support the treatment of bronchitis and lungs’ disorders. They also help people suffering from asthma. Sweet potatoes also warm our bodies up (according to Oriental medicine).
Beta-carotene, magnesium, zinc and B-complex are very important for the functioning of joints. If you’re suffering from any joints’ pain, take the water that’s left after boiling the potatoes and use it for a bath. It’ll soothe the pain.
Sweet potatoes have more fiber than regular ones. When fiber is combined with magnesium (which can also be found in sweet potatoes) – it improves digestion. They are easily digested as they’re main ingredient is starch. They also soothe the intestines and stomach. In comparison to regular potatoes, they have less calories, more fiber and the amount of resistant starch is also lower – that’s why they’re digested faster.
Anti-cancer properties
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant. Along with vitamin C (both can be found in sweet potatoes) it has beneficial impact for cancer treatment: intestines, kidneys, prostate gland and many others.
Peptic ulcers
Sweet potatoes soothe the intestines and stomach. B-complex, vitamin C, potassium and calcium, that can be found in them, are effective in peptic ulcers’ treatment.
A considerable amount of potassium that can be found in sweet potatoes helps in keeping the right balance of fluids and electrolytes.
They are an excellent source of carbohydrates which are the key part of athletes’ diet. I recommend to eat them either before (combined with other carbs, such as rice) or after a training as they have more simple carbs.
Circulatory system
They protect the walls of veins and arteries from hardening. A high level of beta-carotene and phosphorus that can be found in sweet potatoes means that they are also healthy for your eyes and heart.
Batat z kremem z buraczków
Clean sweet potatoes carefully, then slice them and put them into the oven for 20 minutes (don’t peel them). You may drizzle some olive oil over the potatoes. Bake beetroots in a covered casserole or aluminium foil. You may also use boiled beetroots (about 1-1,5h). Peel and blend them, then add coconut milk, curcuma and garlic. Add salt and pepper at the end. Add a spoon of tahini paste if you like it.
Put garlic butter in between the slices of sweet potato. Cover it all with beetroot hummus. Sprinkle with pistachio powder.
Other sweet potato recipes:
sweet potato chips
baked sweet potatoes with almond butter
Abidin P.E. (2004). Sweet potato breeding for north-eastern Uganda: Farmer varieties, farmer-participatory selection, and stability of performance. PhD Thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-8504-033-7, 152.
Sawicka B., Pszczółkowski P., Mikos-Bielak M. (2000). Biologiczna wartość bulw Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam. w warunkach Lubelszczyzny. Rocz. AR w Poznaniu, 323 (31), Ogr., 1, 453-457
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