Beef tartare. Protein and fat breakfast
Often you are asking how it is with these breakfasts?
Research confirms that breakfast prevents overeating during the day.
Everyone probably see this significant difference, however, some of you surely are asking the question of what to do when just an hour after eaten porridge you feel even more hungry than before breakfast? The main player here is the metabolism and hormone levels – cortisol associated with stress.
Many processes in the human body occurs in the context of the circadian rhythm. For example, cortisol reaches its highest level in more or less half an hour of morning awakening.
I wrote about cortisol HERE
Cortisol stimulates the release of stocks of glucose so the body during the night has the energy for basic biological functions. If at night sugar levels tightly falls, our system apart from the increase of cortisol secretion will produce more glucagon and epinephrine (breaks down glycogen from the liver). This will slow down the digestion, so that the body can not survive without external energy supply. This results in a situation familiar to many people, when in the morning you do not feel hunger and its hard to accept the necessity of eating breakfast. Coffee instead of a meal enhances these processes and their effects.
Cortisol, epinephrine and glucagon increase the blood sugar level. A healthy body has a mechanism of self-regulation of the level of course insulin is doing the job. If for he first meal we eat carbohydrates, it will cause an additional increase in blood glucose and insulin burst, which after a short time will result in a decrease in blood sugar levels. We will feel hungry, we can even feel some weakness or drowsiness.
In addition, remember that intensive exercises also affect the secretion of cortisol, as well as in people stressed, or being on a low-calorie diets (including low carbohydrate), or in patients with sleep disorders.
Why protein – fatt appear on my table more often, despite the fact that previously i was having mainly carbohydrates in the morning.
Along with the passing years, we acquire more and more experience and enrich the knowledge. Based on these factors, plus an additional observation of my body, I know that personally protein-fat breakfast is best for me.
However, remember what I always say – there is no one diet for all of us. Each person has different requirements, depending on many factors and processes. The basic is the observation (!) of your body, conclusions and adjusting the diet to individual needs. In case of doubt and discomfort I recommend to perform specialized measurements of sugar levels and cortisol, and to consult a doctor.
When I trained as a professional athlete and competed in karate competitions, my cycle was very different from current one.
Doing intense sports, the carbohydrates in the morning gave me a big shot of energy required to complete the training. Today, the demand of my body is completely different.
That does not mean, of course, giving up entirely the carbohydrates. They are needed to regulate many body processes.
Basically, I recommend carbohydrates periworkout. For professional athletes I also recommend loading carbohydrates before important events, trainings, matches for the day or two days before the event. Then, before going to sleep it’s good to eat portions of carbohydrates.
Why I choose a protein-fat breakfast?
Animal protein is an important component of athletes diet . I usually recommend it as part of dinner, but during the training cycle, there are certain situations, ex. such as competition or match, when a protein boost of energy should be served for breakfast – ex. After an exhausting match / competition taking place in the afternoon or the evening before. Then protein – fatty diet bring cortisol to the correct level for the rest of the day.
I experienced these reactions when I have reduced my training load.
The benefits of eating protein-fat breakfast :
- they do not cause spikes in blood sugar levels and therefore are a better choice for individuals with insulin resistance and diabetes.
- it gives a feeling of satiety for longer than carbohydrate meals
- promote fat reduction
- it work well in people with sleep disorders
- due to the above described cortisol are recommended for those neurotic and living in constant stress
On the blog you will find several recipes for breakfast made of fat and protein. You can use the rules of eggs, stew meat, etc.
Enjoy! 🙂
Today a main star – tartare.
This is obviously not an option for pregnant women, because this beautiful period is governed by completely different rules and we do not eat raw meat, fish or eggs;)
Tartare should be made of ex. Beef because it contains fatty acids, CLA and taurine assist muscle recovery
How to prepare it?
I washed the beef, chopped into fine pieces (first cut it in thin strips and then into cubes). Tartar cut by you will have a completely different flavor than the ground one. While cutting add a little olive
Tartare ingredients:
- finely chopped onion
- chive
- egg yolk (chicken or quail)
- sea salt and black pepper
- 1 tablespoon of mustard
- chips with vegetables
How about this for breakfast :)?
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