Do You Have Your Blood Tested Regularly?
When was the last time you had a blood test? Do you know your current cholesterol level? The survey conducted for my healthy catering SuperMenu by Anna Lewandowska shows that almost 30% of respondents perform preventive blood tests once a year, and over 20% only once every 2-3 years. More than 1 in 10 Poles do not perform them at all, and lots of excuses are often very trivial. Despite the fact that health has gained importance during the pandemic, regular examinations still have not become a habit. Low awareness of the current state of health often translates into inappropriate diet, the occurrence of deficiencies, and an increasing risk of civilization diseases. Sounds disturbing, doesn’t it?
Regular blood tests – a healthy habit for life
I’ve been getting lots of messages from you that although health has become more important for you as a result of the pandemic, you often forget about regular blood tests. Everything seems to be more pressing: meeting friends, going to the beautician, watching a movie or taking a short nap. I have the impression that you do not realize how important it is to control the current state of the body. What’s more, you react only when your body refuses to “obey” you. And I keep trying to remind you that there is a clear relationship between the results of the tests and a diet adapted to the needs of our body.
The condition of our body largely depends on our lifestyle, on how much we minimize the factors that increase the risk of diseases, as well as on regularly performed tests. Unfortunately, Poles have a big problem with the last point in the list. Health prophylaxis means taking actions to prevent diseases and enabling their early detection and treatment, and we often delay taking the right steps. Therefore, once a year it is worth performing three basic tests: morphology, lipid profile, and glucose levels. The morphology checks your overall health, and the results provide information on the quantity and quality of your red and white blood cells, and platelets. Examination of the lipidogram allows you to assess whether the fat metabolism in the body is functioning properly, which allows you to detect the risk of developing serious cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis. Testing glucose levels, which is the main source of energy in the human body, is particularly important in diagnosing and monitoring the course of diabetes. SuperMenu has noticed the scale of the problem and launched a nationwide social campaign entitled “Health With No Excuses“!
Health With No Excuses!
In cooperation with the uPacjenta platform, we decided to give our clients the opportunity to perform preventive blood tests. With our campaign, we want to draw the attention of Poles to the need to regularly check the condition of their body and its needs. We also want to increase social awareness in the context of nutrient deficiencies caused by an inadequate diet. At SuperMenu, we’ve been focused from the very beginning on education and the big picture. That’s why we’ve decided to offer additional tools as we want to show Poles how a personalized and balanced diet improves our health. The results will translate into a better adjustment of the nutritional program and the exclusion of harmful ingredients from the daily menu.
As you may have seen on my social media channels, I do preventive blood tests around my birthday. It’s a gift for myself 😊 And I encourage each of you to do the same. Remember that many diseases do not give any symptoms in their early stages. That is why it is so important to regularly check the condition of your body and its needs. What I am very happy about is the fact that every year public awareness of the need to take care of health is increasing. People are also paying more attention to nutrient deficiencies caused by an inadequate diet. However, you often forget to perform basic blood tests, which should be one of the healthy habits along with physical activity, proper diet and psychophysical balance. The results are the basis for planning a daily diet that is adjusted to our nutritional needs and lifestyle.
From the very beginning, the main idea behind everything we do at SuperMenu has been to take care of the body in a holistic way. My boxed diet is based on three pillars of the philosophy of healthy life (healthy diet, physical activity, psychophysical balance), which I follow in my daily life. I know very well how important prophylaxis is, so I am glad that together we can shape another healthy habit of regular check-ups 😊 You can find more information about the nationwide educational campaign Health With No Excuses! HERE
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