Coconut Ice Cream with Raspberries
My challenge, in which I encouraged you to cut out white sugar, wheat, and alcohol, has already finished. Nevertheless, I still want to motivate you to introduce and maintain healthy habits. I know that some of you have managed to permanently eliminate white sugar from your diet (I wrote why it is worth doing HERE). That’s why I am sharing today’s recipe: gluten- and dairy-free ice cream with no added white sugar! What’s more, I used fresh raspberries here – it’s the last moment to make use of these seasonal fruits 🙂
I refrigerated the coconut milk. It takes about 2-3 hours to cool down, but I left it in the fridge overnight. I blended cold coconut milk with maple syrup. I put chopped chocolate and raspberries in the ice cream box. I covered it with the coconut mixture and put it in the freezer for a few hours.
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