Get a laugh!


After a day full of challenges and endless duties I dream of a coffee or my favourite smoothie with someone who can make me laugh. Do you?

You will soon find out why we feel much better after a conversation with someone who infects us with a good mood and booming laughter.

From the scientific point of view, it is a neurological reaction to a funny situation. The brain sends an impulse to the diaphragm causing it to vibrate and as a result we, while breathing out, start laughing. However, we know very well from our daily experience that laughter means so much more.



Stress is a modern malady. It weakens our endocrine, immune and digestive systems, it also disrupts menstrual cycle. You can reduce it because laughter and smile in stressful moments decrease heart rate even when your reaction is forced. Laughter also releases endorphins which have analgesic properties and make you feel happy.


  • Laugh and VENTILATE

It is a perfect stimulation of the diaphragm and a boost of blood circulation which means better activity of all organs. Your concentration will be much better due to brain ventilation.



Smiling women are considered much more attractive, open and friendly. Thanks to this they win approval of the people around them and gain their trust. Such behaviour may also result in success in their professional life!



Frequent laughter improves smoothness and firmness of your face. It is a work and massage of as many as 18 face muscles which become tense and firm. Laughter dilates blood vessels which nourishes and cleanses your skin.



Laughter leads to T lymphocytes production which are responsible for virus destruction. It boosts immunity with a higher level of endorphins, which are natural anti-inflammatory substances, and at the same time stops cortisol and adrenaline production which weaken immunity.



Can you remember how many times you felt some superpower growing after a good laugh? Uncontrolled, natural and hearty laughter is an explosion of energy in your whole body.


  • Laugh and BURN CALORIES

It is the work of facial muscles and muscles of the diaphragm, chest, stomach and arms. This pleasant workout boosts metabolism and digestion by improving the work of liver, pancreas and spleen. A minute of booming laughter burns about 12 calories.


  • Laugh to BE A LEADER

Smiling and positive directors easily attract other people’s attention and infect them with their enthusiasm. It is easier for them to gain trust among co-workers and motivate them to a more creative output. Laughter is also a sign of good relations and feeling of comfort. We all know how much easier  it is to work for someone who appreciates our dedication with a smile.


  • Smile and LIVE LONGER

Gelotology is the study of laughter and its effects on health both from the psychological and physiological perspective. This term is also used for laughter therapy. It is more and more often applied to improve health and wellness. It will certainly surprise you to find out that according to statistics people with a positive attitude to life and smiling frequently live several years longer than pessimists. A minute of laughter adds about 10 minutes to your life span.


When someone smiles to you, smile back. It brings people together by engaging limbic system in the brain. It is said that laughter is contagious but relax, it is not a virus we should fear. As the old Irish proverb says, a good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. Do you agree? I most certainly DO!

A smile for a smile – it’s so positive! I love it!

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