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Benefits of Gotu Kola Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is an important medicinal herb used in many Asian countries. This plant...
brrrrrrrr… cold! When winter is coming, each of us would most likely love to grab a warm blanket and...
Autumn often is associated with tissues in each pocket. Viruses circulate around us, and coughing and sniffing are the most...
In today’s post, I will focus on hygiene. Why? Because it is a very important factor in maintaining health, and...
Food allergies and nutrition of pregnant women As I mentioned in my book “Healthy Mum – Healthy Mother’s Guide”, preparing...
Bored with breakfasts, do you fancy something different than eggs, meat or oatmeal? It’s still a good time for a...
I HAVE NEW PRODUCT FOR YOU! Another adaptogen in Foods by Ann is the Tragacanth Tragacanth – a wonderful herb...
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