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Here's another part of the herbs and spices series. Cumin is this part's main character. It's a herb that was already known in Palaeolithic.
Food allergies that provoke delayed immune reactions (IgG and IgA-related) obviously have bad influence for our health and state of mind. We can rarely diagnose them on our own due to their delayed reaction – symptoms may appear a few hours or even days after eating.
Glutathione is an organic chemical compound that is present in every organism alive. For us, it is important that glutathione is a basic antioxidant produced in our organism.
Stress, a set of biochemical phenomena in our body that are the reaction to a stimulus – stressor, has a huge influence on our health.
Do you wonder how to prepare your body and yourself for pregnancy?
It’s time to start talking about this difficult issue. The world we live in is for many the world of living in a hurry, competition and multitasking.
I wrote many times on my blog and in my book: there is no one good diet for everybody. Surely we all should avoid highly processed foods, colourful, sweetened drinks, and eat properly composed meals etc.
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