Millet with fruit

We haven’t had millet for a long time! It’s time to make up for it. Today a recipe for an aromatic breakfast with fruit. You can use any fruit available on market stall :). Spices are crucial.

I fried the spices in fat and poured water over millet. I cooked it on a low heat for about 10 minutes, poured milk and added raisins. Then I cooked it for 15 minutes (add more water if there is too little). Finally, I added the banana and rice syrup.

Have a good day!

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Kupiłam płatki jaglane oraz kasze, na obydwu produktach jest napisane ‘może zawierać gluten’ a przecież nie powinna. Czy można zaufać takiemu produktowi? Ponoć jest ekologiczna ta kasza i płatki