Summer salad with broad bean
Do you like broad bean? 🙂
If you do, I encourage you to take the advantage of the current season and enjoy it;).
It is relatively short, and we have plenty of culinary variations involving broad bean. Broad bean is a source of vegetable protein, but it is famous for its high content of folic acid. It is rich in potassium and is also a good source of phosphorus. The soluble fiber, which is provided by the broad beans, regulates cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure.
My today’s variation with broad bean is simple and fast:
Summer salad with broad bean
Wash the broad beans and cook under cover in salted water for about 15 minutes.
At the same time peel and cut avocado. Slice the zucchini and radish and grind the ginger on the grater. Place the prepared ingredients into the bowl. Add corn salad and sprouts, then add peeled broad beans. Sprinkle with pine nuts and add dressing.
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Can I please polisch version?