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My recipes and culinary inspirations
Weight gain despite dieting, frequent mood changes, constant feeling of cold and drowsiness. Do you know these problems? They concern...
I know it’s the middle of the week and most of you won’t have the time to spend long hours...
You’ve probably noticed that I often use tomatoes in my recipes and you may wonder why I do so. Tomatoes...
I’ve completely switched both my body and my cuisine into winter mode. Luckily, this season doesn’t mean empty shelves at...
I want to share with you another recipe from my Diet & Training by Ann app. I have fat and...
A home spa, treatments, masks, oils - those are my favourite home experiments. I take care of my health on the outside as well as the inside, through my stomach. For this post I have chosen flaxseed. You can use this recipe both to eat and to put on you face as a mask.
Avocado is rich in nutrients. It is a valuable source of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins (eg vitamin E, K, folic...
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