Pancakes with Seasonal Fruit
Now is the best time to enjoy the delicious, summer fruits while they still last! Remember to include fresh vegetables or fruit in every meal. Today I have another suggestion for you for a sweet breakfast that will provide you with energy for the entire morning and will surely appeal to the whole family, even the youngest fussy eaters 🙂
I mixed the gluten-free flour mixture with salt and baking powder. Then I mixed the coconut milk with an egg. I combined the flour with the wet ingredients and mixed the whole thing again. I set the mixture aside for a few minutes. In the meantime I heated the frying pan, melted the clarified butter, scooped the mixture and fried the pancakes on both sides until they were golden brown.
I put the pancakes on a plate, drizzled some honey over them, and topped with blueberries and a bit of ground xylitol. You can add any seasonal fruit you like. Peaches, raspberries and strawberries will also be perfect 🙂
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