Fight cellulite
Cellulite has always been a problem for women, even paintings of old masters showing female nudes prove it.
Photo by Iza Grzybowska
At present we uncover more of our body every day, but orange peel skin has developed into an aesthetic problem.
Katarzyna Okreglicka, PhD, a specialist in the field of nutrition and diet says:
In order to understand better what cellulite is, it is worth understanding how the skin is built in terms of microanatomy. Its most outer layer is the epidermis. Under it, there is the dermis with hair follicles, sweat glands, blood vessels, nerve receptors and connective tissue. The next level is built of two layers of inner fat.
It is in the layer of fat (where fat cells are arranged vertically) that cellulite is located. It is caused by a slight movement of fat nodules to the derma. This structural change in the epidermis and dermis is, in particular, responsible for the characteristic uneven look of the skin that resembles orange peel.
Most women suffer from cellulite. Being overweight, obesity, age, wrong diet and sedentary lifestyle are the factors that increase the risk of cellulite. It may appear when hormones are disturbed (in case of estrogen excess). Alcohol, tobacco or coffee significantly raise the risk cellulite occurrence.
How to prevent it? How to fight it?
Lose extra weight and keep it in balance. Cellulite may be caused by being overweight as well as alternating putting on and losing weight. Keep it under control.
Workout, workout, workout. 3-4 times a week, in the fresh air preferably. Exercises on firming body parts that are especially subject to cellulite were shown in Firm your butt .
I wrote a lot about it. Kasha, wholegrain bread , vegetables, fruit, healthy fats are the basis of health and beauty.
Peeling is very important for our skin. It improves blood circulation and gives skin a healthy colour.
To make a peeling that gives good results in fighting cellulite you need:
- coffee grounds
- coconut oil
- cane sugar (2 teaspoons)
- cinnamon (2 teaspoons)
It is simple to make it: it is necessary to mix all the ingredients well and massage the mixture into your skin. Remember to do in by circular movements, gently, from top to bottom.
You can find a video with instructions here.
People with thread veins should avoid caffeine.
Warm water, unlike hot water, moisturizes our skin. A hot bath is a good solution in case of muscle sores, because it relaxes muscles and the body. Cellulite is “afraid” of cold, therefore, I honestly recommend pouring warm and cold water alternately over the places that suffer from orange peel skin as well as a massage with ice cubes. Surely, this time of the year it will be much easier for you to get used to such baths and perform them regularly.
Massage helps to drain the area suffering from cellulite, speeds up excreting water and toxins as well as provides better skin oxygenation. When you massage the area of orange peel skin, you stimulate microcirculation in the epidermis, which helps to reduce cellulite. Massage should be performed about 10 minutes a day moving your hands from bottom to top by clockwise circular movements. Massages may be done by means of special massage equipment, brushes, but also hands, either while taking a shower or after a bath. You may do so-called dry body brushing.
In fact, every oil (which is natural, unrefined and pressed cold) moisturizes and makes your skin firmer. It is best to put oil on the skin just after you have finished taking a shower when water has not evaporated from the skin. It is worth heating the oil to the body temperature before application – then nourishing the skin is better as well as oil absorption.
My favourite are almond oil, coconut oil, macadamia oil (this one is great in particular).
Drink a lot of water. Up to several glasses a day. You may add pure cranberry juice.
Coffee, cinnamon, paprika, mint – you can use those ingredients to put on places vulnerable to cellulite.
In your masks just use ingredients that cool or warm the skin as well as everything that stimulates circulation.
Masks and peelings work better if you apply them before shaving rather than after it 😀
Substances and ingredients that are included in ready-made care products or can be used to prepare your own anti-cellulite cosmetics: caffeine, xanthine, mint, cinnamon, paprika, ginseng, ivy, algae, horsetail, calendula, green tea, elder, ginger, menthol. Evening primrose extract is good for cellulite; you can also try CLA supplementation.
Happy holidays!
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