STOP your inner critic!

Do you tend to hear these words in your head?

You look bad…

You’re no good…

You’re dumb…

Something’s wrong with you…  You won’t make it…

What a shame…

You keep repeating these destructive words like a broken record, without even thinking whether they’re true, based on any facts or if they help you in any constructive way. How come we think and say such things to ourselves while we would never dare say them to anyone else. It’s sad, upsetting and limiting, and, above all, unnecessary.

You can do it differently…

You look good…

You fit in…

You’re clever…

Everything is OK with you…

You can make it…

It was great…

You can, or even should, do it like that and there are easy ways to help you learn it.

Today, while facing yourself in the mirror, say what nice things you have done for yourself and for others.

During the day, find some time to think what you like best about yourself. Then think why you’re pleased with yourself. You can acquire new habits to start treating yourself better and thinking about your own needs.

Your inner motivator is ON!

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