Strong Core
You can find a wide variety of options for professional workouts in my application:
? https://healthyplanbyann.com/app/
But today I would like to focus on the workout for a healthy and strong spine. Why? Because it seems that back pain has become ubiquitous and very often you tell me that you suffer on a daily basis.
The Strong Core Training is not a workout to heal your ill spine.
Orthopedists and physiotherapists deal with such problems.
Strong Core is a prevention workout. As we all know, prevention is better than cure, and that’s why now is the time to start.
Thanks to these exercises you will strengthen your deep back and abdominal muscles which are responsible for the correct posture and a straight and healthy spine.
What is the aim of my Strong Core training?
✔︎︎ to strengthen the most important parts of your deep muscles;
✔︎ to learn the right posture and ensure proper coordination;
✔︎ to eliminate back pain;
✔︎ to alleviate the consequences of bad habits, such as slouching.
Regular training will strengthen your muscles so that they can support the spine during everyday activities. Your spine is supposed to serve you your whole life so now is the time to look after it.
Don’t forget that technique and precision are crucial here, not the speed of exercises.
One more thing! My sweethearts… work out with professionals ONLY!
A “specialist” is not always the right person for the job…
Your health is the most important ❤
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