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It starts early, in childhood. Fortunately, it doesn't happen to everyone, but still it happens often. Food is a part of upbringing process.
Insulin is a protein hormone produced by pancreas. It plays the leading role in the functioning of our organisms - it manages energy supplies.
Bosu ball isn't the most popular gym equipment. Not everyone knows how to use it and many people don't consider balance training essential. I've already written on how important such trainings are and I stand by it.
Human body is able to synthesize vitamin D from cholesterol but sunlight is essential. It happens only in the cuticle.
Stability workout refers to core muscles.
'Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don't think about them, I just do them. The decision has already been made.' This quote by Patti Sue Plammer, the American athlete, has been motivating people for years.
Now we have proper winter. Along with the cold and snow. Don't hide under your blankets - let's go and workout outdoors! It's awsome!
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