Every day you make choices in your life , every day you struggle with dilemmas and difficult issues. While making a decision today , partly you decide about the future.
Do you make choices consciously , taking the effects into the account? I am thinking about beneficial effects because that is the point. You Analyze and calculate because you often invest not only time but money . Often you decide about things that affect your entire live.
When I will ask you what is most important in life, what will you say? What values will come into your mind ? Family? Health? Friends?
I agree these are the most important things for me , but in such an arrangement, why do you dig yourself and your family a hole?What do i mean?Focusing on health, not just warm clothes in the winter, visit doctor once every few years and avoid colds ! When it comes to family , it is not enough simply to be , play with the kids and send them to school .
If you are concerned about health, family or friends, why not to chose a healthy eating? It’s the largest investment in the future, which believe me will come back to you with extra interest. Picking unhealthy snacks, feeling craving for full of sugar and preservatives, carbonated drinks and junk food. You do not care about the quality of meals, easy way to eat, or maybe not realizing the seriousness of the situation. You feed it to yourself, children and family ….
Meals and food is your choice, so choose well because it’s worth!
Not without reason people say ”you are what you eat it”. So is junk food and fast food full of chemicals what you identify with? You want to identify this food with your children? I know, I know – I often hear that I am exaggerating, that nobody died from junk food.
Currently, you feel great, so why change your habits? You are still young and strong, you have a good metabolism, a great digestion, and you can move mountains.
Argument that your grandfather ate everything and lived 90 years does not appeal to me because did your grandfather ate food filled with chemistry, unhealthy snacks, sipping a carbonated beverage with artificial color? Well, ok, but the label says “no preservatives” … ..;) Dear, grandfather ate everything, but within the limits of real unprocessed food. I realize that in the era of the development of our civilization quick shopping is not necessarily healthy shopping, and finding, in the supermarket food without preservatives and “extras” is sometimes as going on a hunt, but its possible to find. Believe me! if there is a will, there is a way 🙂
Let the food be your medicine and medicine your food , ” Let the words of Hippocrates be in your home permanently.Remember! The body is kind of investment . What you put aside now, you will see in the future .
Eating consciously can help you to avoid many diseases. You can overcome fatigue, apathy and enjoy life even in an old age because what you eat can either cure your disease , or it can feed it . This is not my invention , its a request to care about yourself and your loved ones , its advice to improve the quality of your health . Invests wisely 🙂
Start with yourself and be an example for others!
Plan your shopping, plan your meals, plan your future!
Fingers crossed! It is worth it!
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