HEALTHY buckwheat bread
Long time no buckwheat, long time no bread recipe. I decided it’s high time I changed that. 🙂
Buckwheat bread with raisins.
You can buy buckwheat almost anywhere now. It is really rich in nutrients, mostly B vitamins and minerals such as: phosphorus, magnesium, zinc or copper.
I mixed roasted buckwheat with regular buckwheat in my recipe.
Buckwheat bread with raisins:
I mixed groats and flour, covered it with a bit of water and cooked over a low heat for about 30 minutes. I added raisins, ginger, anise, butter and salt. Mix it until all the ingredients are combined. Then, put it into a mould sprinkled with oil/ghee butter and bake for about 30 minutes in 180°C, until it’s golden.
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