Asparagus with an egg, bacon and hemp butter

Breakfast is the most important meal during the day, and therefore you cannot forget about it. Research has shown that skipping breakfast may lead to a higher risk of gaining excess weight and to obesity. According to experts, breakfast should be eaten within one hour of waking up and should provide even up to 25% of our daily energy requirements. The content of your breakfast is just as important. I especially recommend a fat and protein breakfast. Why? You’ll find out below:)

Who is a fat and protein breakfast for? 

Most of all I recommend fat and protein breakfasts to people who:

  1. Want to lose weight.
  2. Feel hungry between meals.
  3. Suffer from insulin resistance.


What are the benefits of fat and protein breakfasts?

  1. Appetite control and a longer feeling of satiety.
  2. Feeling less hungry.
  3. A much faster weight loss due to increased fat burning rate.
  4. A lack of sudden blood sugar and insulin rise after eating a meal.
  5. Discovering new culinary inspirations and fresh flavour combinations.
  6. A smaller craving for uncontrolled eating between meals.


You can find more information on the benefits of fat and protein breakfasts HERE.


A sample fat and protein breakfast:


Asparagus with an egg, bacon and hemp butter


Hemp seeds have the perfect ratio of omega-6 to omega 3 fatty acids which is why they lower cholesterol, have antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Hemp seed butter is a great addition to fresh and grilled vegetables, porridge and smoothies. It can also serve as a great bread spread.



I preheated the oven to 200°C. Then I cut off woody ends from asparagus and put them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. I seasoned them and sprinkled with olive oil (it is best to spread oil with a special basting brush). I also put bacon rashers next to asparagus and roasted it all for about 10-12 minutes. Then I transferred it to a plate and topped with hemp butter. I served it with a fried egg.


You will find more inspiring recipes for delicious fat and protein breakfasts in Diet & Training by Ann application.


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